Friday, February 21, 2020

Government Regulations towards Small & Medium Enterprises Essay

Government Regulations towards Small & Medium Enterprises - Essay Example The hypotheses are then tested against the observed characteristics of entrepreneurs and small business owners in the real world. However, there are a number of problems with this approach that have been discussed as follows:- 1. Some regions are more favored than others at establishing successful small businesses and entrepreneurs and hence their economic development is more successful. The question of whether this is due to characteristics in the population or due to certain aspects of the environment and infrastructure which enable potential entrepreneurs to exploit their skills and opportunities more easily, remains, at this stage, an open one. For example, research undertaken for Scottish Enterprise (2), after concern with low participation rates in entrepreneurship, showed that a complex series of factors contributed to low participation rates in Scotland. For example, the historical dependence of the population on a limited number of large employers coupled with inward investment (North Sea oil) had produced a 'dependency culture', that is, that people were used to depending on large employers for employment. Thus, the thought of going into business on their own account did not come easily to them. Yet other factors were important as well such as lack of finance. This example shows why participation rates might be different in particular regions for varying complex reasons. 2. Concern has been expressed at the existence of latent entrepreneurial talent. For example, why are there so few successful female entrepreneurs Again this remains open question which appears to have no simple solution but rather is caused by a complex combination of social and economic reasons. Little research has been conducted specifically on these groups in the UK, although a study carried out by the David Deakins and Ram (3) with African - Caribbean entrepreneurs suggests that motivations among this minority group in the UK consists of a combination of positive (pull) and negative (push) factors. Positive factors are associated with the attractions of entrepreneurship and negative factors are associated with limited opportunities in the inner-city and deprived urban environments. 3. Attention has focused on the role of networks in successful entrepreneurial development. For example, some research suggests that inter-firm networks contribute to successful entrepreneurship as discussed below. Start-ups (4): We know that a high proportion of new firms fail within three years of start - up. For example, in the UK, 30 percent of new firms cease trading by the third year and 50 percent by the fifth year. In addition, there is only a small proportion that grow to employ 50 workers. One of the factors is the potential loss of control faced by the entrepreneur as the firm grows. New small firms and entrepreneurs that are successful are predominantly located in the South - East in the UK. This suggests that the environment and infrastructure is at least as important as the characteristics of the entrepreneur. It is also likely that the development of inter-firm networks is more advanced in the South - East than in other regions of the UK. Inter -Organizational Networks (5): The inter-organizational

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Curriculum Evaluation Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Curriculum Evaluation - Research Paper Example The curriculum aims to meet their needs, and have notable and measurable outcomes from the program (Keating, 2010). There are different models that nursing educators have designed over time so as to evaluate different curricula used in nursing education. There is the Nightingale Model, the Tyler Model, the Baldridge Evaluation System and the CIPP. This essay examines the Nursing curriculum of the University of Phoenix according to the CIPP model of curriculum evaluation. CIPP model This model is a qualitative method of evaluating curricula. The initials CIPP stand for â€Å"context, inputs, processes, and products.† It uncovers aspects that more contextual approaches have hidden. This is one of the advantages of this method, it brings to light, social processes that influence curriculum implementation, such as power relationships. It also helps the audience to understand the details of the situations. The CIPP model further helps in the development of instruments for quantitat ive evaluation of curricula (Utley, 2011). This model allows for the core components of nursing education to be evaluated at formative and summative levels. The components that are analysed in this case are as given by the initials the model name indicates. The curriculum The curriculum in issue builds up on previous knowledge as the learners are expected to add to their knowledge on several body systems. This knowledge is to be used in training the future nurses how to manage care of complex adult clients. It also aims to explain the role a nurse has to play in the assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation of interventions used. All these processes have to be carried out in line with supporting data. Clinical experiences are also integrated into the learning process. This is to give the learners an opportunity to put into practice the theoretical knowledge gained from the classroom. Findings To evaluate this curriculum using the CIPP model, the components of the model ha ve to be related to the curriculum. It is vital to consider this curriculum as per the components of the model. The context examines the curriculum under two categories. First the fit between the vision of the organization and the program is examined. The ability of the organization to attain the goals and objectives it has in place is considered. All areas of training covered by the curriculum require both theoretical and practical know-how. This is observed in the learning objectives that have been set for each section. The University is well within its capability to attain the set course objectives. For teaching in theory, the university uses electronic resources, books, learning software, and other outlined course materials. Clinical conferencing and other practical activities such as filling in Preparatory Client Care Plan give the learners practical knowledge. Another aspect that helps in this aspect is that the University has set out the goals it wants to accomplish by comple tion of the specified learning period. Planning is vital for the achievement of anything. Inputs evaluation reveals the human and other resources in the institution, and their allocation. It also considers the cost-effectiveness of the curriculum (Young & Paterson, 2006). Curriculum implementation takes place in different modes. The classroom setting requires physical resources in order to create a conducive learning atmosphere. For a classroom to allow for students to learn well, it needs instructors, electricity,